What does transformative culture change mean for: Infrastructure


Many LTC (Long-term Care) homes in Ontario are old and outdated with some residents living four to a room and sharing one bathroom.

  • Support shift from institutional to home-like environments.
  • Require facilities (existing and new) to create an environment that supports a culture of person-centred care, shared living spaces, and private bedrooms.
  • Shorten provincial timelines for requirement of homes to meet most recent standards for LTC building design.

What does transformative culture change mean for: Inspections

  • Use cumulative reports of LTC home inspections and data to guide timely improvements in Ontario’s provincial LTC system. Engage family councils, residents, families and front-line staff in this process.
  • Evolve the role of LTC inspectors to that of compliance advisors or resource persons who foster a partnership between government funders and providers of care.

What does transformative culture change mean for: Families/caregivers

  • Value, support, recognize and respect families and caregivers as part of the community in the home.
  • Activate timely and up-to-date communication protocols between families and LTC homes when a crisis occurs.
  • Support and help maintain family-resident relationships when a crisis occurs.

If you have any questions, please contact us


What does transformative culture change mean for: Staff and Volunteers?


Working Conditions

  • Value, support, recognize and respect all staff and volunteers for their work.
  • Provide fair compensation with fitting salaries and benefits including sick leave.
  • Ensure staff positions are full-time wherever possible with staff dedicated to working only in one long-term care home and with realistic
  • Provide more hours for direct care.

 Recruitment and Retention

  • Recruit staff and volunteers who exhibit emotional intelligence, empathy, compassion, have a willingness and ability to learn new approaches, and work as a team.
  • Actively involve staff and volunteers in decision-making that is integral to better resident care.

Education / Training

  • Educate staff and volunteers on relationship-based approaches.
  • Strengthen staff and volunteer skills in empathy, social interaction and team work.
  • Provide timely, on-the-job continuing education for staff and volunteers that is responsive to changing residents’ needs.

If you have any questions, email us at:  ChangeLTCNow@gmail.com





Transformative Culture Change: Key Messages


CARP Ottawa, as noted in previous blog posts, is advocating for transformative culture change.  This post will be the first of three that describes what this actually means along with the key messages detailing what elements are necessary to bring this change to fruition and improve quality care and quality of life for residents in long-term care homes in Ontario.

Transformative culture change means:
  • Using a relationship-based approach to care where residents, staff and families feel part of a community and are treated with dignity and respect;
  • Setting up small home-like environments;
  • Providing more hours of direct care for residents;
  • Employing full time, well-paid staff, who are trained in empathy and culture change;
  • Recognizing families and caregivers as integral members of the team:
  • Engaging volunteers who are trained in empathy and culture change.

Key messages have been developed for staff and volunteers, infrastructure, inspections, and families/caregivers. All the key messages need to be operationalized within a transformative culture change approach in which quality care is understood within a relationship-based environment where residents, staff, volunteers, and families are treated with dignity and respect and feel part of a community.  The key messages will appear in the next two blog posts.