Many LTC (Long-term Care) homes in Ontario are old and outdated with some residents living four to a room and sharing one bathroom.
- Support shift from institutional to home-like environments.
- Require facilities (existing and new) to create an environment that supports a culture of person-centred care, shared living spaces, and private bedrooms.
- Shorten provincial timelines for requirement of homes to meet most recent standards for LTC building design.
What does transformative culture change mean for: Inspections
- Use cumulative reports of LTC home inspections and data to guide timely improvements in Ontario’s provincial LTC system. Engage family councils, residents, families and front-line staff in this process.
- Evolve the role of LTC inspectors to that of compliance advisors or resource persons who foster a partnership between government funders and providers of care.
What does transformative culture change mean for: Families/caregivers
- Value, support, recognize and respect families and caregivers as part of the community in the home.
- Activate timely and up-to-date communication protocols between families and LTC homes when a crisis occurs.
- Support and help maintain family-resident relationships when a crisis occurs.
If you have any questions, please contact us